First Name
Last Name
Instagram Handle
City & Country
What training are you applying for ?
Therapeutic Ayurveda (South Dakota October 2022)
Conscious Alignment (Costa Rica October 2022)
Human Journey (Costa Rica October 2022)
What is your current employment?
Are you a licensed physical or mental health care professional?
How would you evaluate your current health?
Do you have a diagnosed mental and/or physical health condition?
If you answered "yes" above, please describe and list any medications you're taking. *
How long have you been practicing yoga?
What style(s) of yoga do you practice?
Are you currently teaching yoga? For how long, how often and what style?
If yes, what do you consider your strengths and challenges as a teacher?
Have you completed any other yoga teacher trainings? If yes, when and with whom?
Describe yourself in 5 words
What is the most powerful learning experience you have had? What made it so?
What is your greatest gift you have to offer the world?
Do you live and practice your yoga off the mat? If yes, how so?
Have you attended any yoga trainings, retreats, classes or workshops with Kevin or Serena? If yes, when?
Have you attended any non yoga, personal devolopment/personal growth courses, trainings or workshop?
What is your experience with Ayurveda?
What is your intention for taking this training?
What do you hope to gain, learn and work on?
On a scale of 1-5 (1 low, 5 high), how would you rate your willingness to really be a student (hear and implement feedback, open to learning something new, trust the process, etc)?
Why Swastha Yoga? (curriculum, website, dates, location, pricepoint, teachers, referral etc...)
How did you hear about this training?
First and Last name of Swastha Alumni who referred you (if applicable)
In order to complete your application, we also request that all applicants submit a recent picture of yourself. Advanced Training applicants, please also submit a picture of your 200 hour YTT certificate.
I declare that all the information submitted is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.