Human Journey Academy

Take ownership of your life. Get the results you crave.

Are you ready to create a life of freedom, purpose and alignment? If you are, let's do it together. The Human Journey Academy is uniquely designed to support you in breaking your personal patterns that keep you stuck from living the life you want.

Human Journey Academy Members know that making necessary change requires:

  • Trust and courage

  • Identifying, owning, and shifting their behavior

  • Effective support, guidance, and community

Along with our amazing member community, Kevin & Serena will help you understand where you are now, what keeps you there, and map out a plan to get you to where you wish to be.

In the Human Journey Academy, we believe that change is not only possible, but actually sustainable. You hold, within you, the potential and wisdom to cultivate real meaningful results in your life. And we’ve designed this program to tap into your innate power to specifically eradicate uncertainty, confront where you’ve settled, and help you rediscover lost dreams.

We know that, if you're willing to do the work, this could be a life-changing opportunity.

What are the benefits of being a member of the Human Journey Academy?

The Human Journey Academy is a structured guided inner expedition that holds the keys for you to unlock the best version of yourself. Our method is more than just acquiring knowledge, it's aligned with the opportunity to reconfigure what you know of yourself. We see it as you have something to lose and so much more to gain. Through weekend workshop modules (complete with live calls with Kevin & Serena, worksheets, and assignments) as well as opportunities for group or private coaching calls, our teachings are designed to empower you to draw on your tremendous resourcefulness, encourage letting go, and inspire building.

There is more to you than you think

With direct guidance, practical inner work, and feedback, you'll discover how to overcome your own personal obstacles, connect with other growth-minded individuals like yourself, and take ownership of your life. We know that this could change your life and we want that for you. That’s why we’ve put tons of value into each tier of our program and we encourage you to choose the level that sets you up for success. For this reason, you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your membership at any time.

This is the Art of Living Well.

 Human Journey Academy

You’ll get:

  • One (1) Weekend Module per month

  • Two (2) Sunday Support Sessions per month

  • 24/7 access to the private Human Journey Academy Community (on and off Facebook)

  • 30% membership discount on all Art of Living Well 365 offerings

  • Full scholarship to the Heart & Body Mapping Retreat in Costa Rica (April 24-28, 2021 - details below)

All for $99/month

 Ask Yourself…

One Year From Now, Do You Want To…

Feel the same way you do now?

Keep allowing your limitations, your lack of confidence, and other challenges to undermine your health and well-being?

Are the habits you have today on par for the dreams you have for tomorrow?

If, one year from now, you feel the same as you do right now, will you be okay with that?

No Way! I’m Ready for Change Now!

Membership Options

Membership Modules

Your Human Journey includes one live weekend membership module with Kevin & Serena every month. The monthly modules will help you gain valuable insight along your journey each and every month.

Each module includes guided instruction, practical worksheets, and two live calls with Kevin and Serena (75 mins each on Saturday & Sunday at 11am ET).

Each module integrates a sequential theme that provides you with a new skill to help you face the challenges ahead. The themes are as follows:

  • Power of Completion (December 12 & 13, 2020)

  • Making Change (January 30 &31, 2021)

  • The Truth About Trust (February 20 & 21)

  • Shed Shame & Fear (March 20 & 21)

  • Intimacy & Immunity (April 17 & 18)

  • The Value of Values (May 15 & 16)

  • Your Embodied Self (June 19 & 20)

  • Art of Relating (July 17 & 18)

  • Communicate by Heart (August 14 & 15)

*One monthly Membership Module is included in all membership tiers.


Sunday Support Sessions

Your Human Journey includes two group coaching calls with Kevin & Serena per month*.

Whether you’re looking for guidance, community, or celebrate your wins, the guided group coaching calls with Kevin and Serena offer more than just support. They are meant to nourish your soul on this Human Journey and help you:

  • stay on course towards your aim

  • receive guidance and direction

  • reaffirm that you're on the right path

  • change direction with skill & ease

The Support Sessions act as the compass on your journey and are offered on two Sundays per month at 1pm ET.  Come as you are.

*Support Sessions are included in Empowered & Inspired Living memberships. Call dates will be posted in your library. Replays available.


Private Sessions

To supplement the work that you're doing, private sessions are available to members.  Hear what you specifically need to do (or stop doing) in order to break down your perceived barriers, and to open yourself up to the possibility of living the life you’ve always wanted!

This is a unique opportunity to work privately with both Kevin & Serena who, together, bring an atmosphere of compassion, safety, direct action-based guidance, and are a living example to support you in the art of living well.

Individually, they hold a wealth of knowledge and skill to direct you towards well-being, relationship satisfaction, stability, and growth. Their approach is impactful, dynamic, and heart-based. Private coaching is a way to catalyze your personal growth and development.

*Empowered Living Members receive one private session per month with their active membership. Inspired & Conscious Living Members receive a membership discount on private sessions.


 If you're ready to do the work you'll...

  • Attract the kind of relationships you deeply desire

  • Cultivate skilled communication and compassion in your listening

  • Resolve inner and outer conflict in lasting and positive ways

  • Gain confidence and clarity about what you want, and how to get it

  • Address real life situations with vulnerability, honesty, and courage

  • Redefine your relationship to fear, shame, betrayal and trust

  • Become less reactive and feel consistently good and free

  • Build resilience, find healing, and create a new version of your life

 In Times of Change, You Have Two Choices:

  1. Revert to out-dated habits and perspectives and stay stuck in my cycle of dis-ease, or

2. Recognize, own, and shift my behavior to evolve into the best version of myself

Which Will You Choose?